Sylvia M. Chan-Olmsted, Ph.D.

Sylvia M. Chan-Olmsted, Ph.D.

Professor - Department of Media Production, Management, and Technology

Director of Media Consumer Research

Office: 1200A Weimer

Phone: 352-392-4211


Sylvia M. Chan-Olmsted, Ph.D.

Professor - Department of Media Production, Management, and Technology

Director of Media Consumer Research

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Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1991



Refereed Journal Articles

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Book Chapters

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I conduct research because I am curious. I am always curious about how and why people use emerging media, and how and why organizations succeed or fail in delivering these media.  I began my research journey with a focus on media economics, especially in subjects related to industrial organization, strategic competition, and mergers and acquisitions in the context of media industries.

Over the last 30 years, I have studied broadcasting, cable television, satellite television, telephony, IPTV, streaming video, mobile television, social media, and mobile apps industries, utilizing mostly quantitative research methods and integrating theories from marketing and industrial economics with those in mass communication. In more recent years, with the game-changing arrival of the Internet and mobile technologies that gave consumers the power of control and content generation, my research has shifted to examine more frequently media consumers rather than media firms.

Though all of my studies in media consumption are investigated with an emphasis on their strategic implications in the marketplace. In general, my research touches on the impacts of technology on media brand/strategic management; digital, social, and mobile media consumer and marketing strategy; development and marketing of mobile media content; cross-platform audience behavior; and branding via social/mobile media, especially in the context of young adults. I have also begun to incorporate more qualitative research methods because of the fluid nature of media habits amid rapid technological changes. My recent research projects involve the examination of AI in the media industry and the consumption of various emerging mobile and IoT devices/platforms.

Research Areas

  • Mobile Media
  • Audience Behavior and Analysis
  • Strategy
  • Telecommunications
  • Media Economics
  • Media Management
  • Strategic Management
  • Brand Management
  • Media Competition
  • Media Conglomerates
  • Communication Technology
  • AI and Media


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