Graduate Student Directory

Nikki Lyons

Public Relations


Nikki is a Ph.D. student in the University of Florida’s College of Journalism and Communications and the Quality Assurance Coordinator for the UF Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE). As an experienced educator, she has taught learners in K–12, higher education, and professional environments, and she currently supports instructors as they create engaging online learning experiences. Her research interests are centered around the use of contemporary visuals to enhance narratives and advance the art of storytelling; and how these narratives are used in digital and social media to share information and cultivate community. She is also a F.E.F. McKnight Doctoral Fellow.


M.A., University of Northern Iowa, Instructional Technology
M.Ed., Albany State University, Early Childhood Education
B.S., Albany State University, Early Childhood Education



  • Narrative Storytelling
  • Meme and .gif culture
  • Digital media
  • Social media
  • Critical/Cultural studies
  • Strategic communication