Welcome New Faculty

Monica Guzman

McGurn Fellow for Media Integrity and the Fight Against Disinformation

Read Monica Guzman’s hiring announcement.

Monica Guzman

What is your area of expertise?

Bridging big divides in our everyday lives with curiosity — particularly the political one.

What research are you working on?

As the inaugural McGurn Fellow for Media Integrity and the Fight Against Disinformation, I’m doing research with CJC on what sort of interventions in our own behavior can make us more curious across disagreement, leading to stronger conversations and understanding across society.

What three things don’t we know about you?

  1. I’m taking salsa lessons with my husband
  2. I once won a karaoke competition in Seattle
  3. I play a barbarian named Shadrack in a Dungeons and Dragons campaign that’s going on seven years.

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