This page details an experimental CJC effort running from May 2016 to October 2018. This area of the site is kept as an archival record.

Hatch uses the principles of human-centered design to conceptualize and launch projects that help define the future of media and information.


We are purposefully exploring the margins of "the way things are done."

Hatch is charged with driving real-world experimentation at the intersection of storytelling, narrative science and social good across all four of the College’s disciplines – advertising, journalism, public relations and telecommunication.

Hatch’s educational mission is to present applied experience for CJC students in nimble and user-focused product and project management, increasingly important skills for communicators. Teams of students, from the College as well as other disciplines within the University, will form and reform into product development work groups.

By focusing on the story as primary ingredient of experimentation— rather than adhering to traditional delivery mechanisms as our other venues for immersion do—Hatch will synthesize established and emerging research and technologies to develop product prototypes. It will also work with internal and external partners and clients on testing the boundaries of story-focused communication in real-world settings.


WHAT'S NEXT?: Experiments in Trust for News

In our third year, the 2018-19 academic terms, we will be focusing on a project to help newsrooms use insights from behavioral, cognitive and social science research to connect with their communities in new and meaningful ways. » Read More

Have an idea for an innovative way of telling a story? Enrollment open now in JOU4930: Innovative Storytelling or book office hours with Prof. Sheehan to determine an independent study or how Hatch can help incubate your idea.


We’re intentionally prototyping our operations, limiting our sprints to one academic year. We will repeat those time-limited sprints each academic year, following a Lean Startup—build, measure, learn—model in our base operations.


Follow along our travels with the hashtag #hatchUF

Our magic is formed by students, under the guidance of our minister of mischief.