Faculty Mentoring Workshop
On Jan. 27, 2106, the CJC Faculty Senate hosted a workshop on faculty mentoring. The workshop was run by Dr. Thomasenia Lott-Adams, professor and associate dean for Research and Faculty Development, Office of Educational Research at the College of Education.
Below is a video of the session and material distributed at the event.
Deans’ Introduction
Workshop Video
Supporting Materials
- Successful Faculty Mentoring and Retention (slides) by Thomasenia Lott Adams, Ph.D.
- “Friendly Advice Manual” by Thomasenia Lott Adams, Ph.D.
- Faculty mentoring faculty in a public university (summary) by Roberta G. Sands et al.
- Faculty mentoring faculty in a public university by Roberta G. Sands et al.
- What Goes Around Comes Around: Improving Faculty Retention Through More Effective Mentoring by Janne Dunham-Taylor et al.
- Peer Mentoring for Tenure-Track Faculty by Cynthia S. Jacelon et al.
- Mentoring of Women Faculty: The Role of Organizational Politics and Culture by Sharon K. Gibson
- Measuring the Effectiveness of Faculty Mentoring Relationships by Ronald A. Berk et al.