Sylvia Chan-Olmsted Co-Authors Article on Millennial Use of Audio Media
Sylvia Chan-Olmsted, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Telecommunication professor and Media Consumer Research director, is the co-author of“Substitutability and Complementarity of Broadcast Radio and Music Streaming Services: The Millennial Perspective” published in Mobile Media & Communication on Sept. 9.
Chan-Olmsted, along with UFCJC doctoral student Rang Wang and Kyung-Ho Hwang from Kyungnam University in the Republic of Korea, focused on how digital technologies have redefined how people, and millennials in particular, use audio media. Their study employed a national survey to investigate millennials’ perceptions of the interchangeable and complementary relationship between broadcast radio, apps, and music streaming services.
The results found that radio listeners perceived broadcast radio and its apps as similar products and music streaming services as different. They suggest that radio stations should take advantage of the mobile technology and offer unique values through their apps, rather than duplicate the offline consumption experience.
Posted: September 11, 2019
Category: College News
Tagged as: Sylvia Chan-Olmsted