Margaret Gaylord Named Merrimack College Vice President of Advancement and Alumni Relations
Margaret Gaylord, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications (UFCJC) executive director of Advancement and Alumni Relations, has been selected as the new vice president of Advancement and Alumni Relations at Merrimack College in Andover, Massachusetts. June 1 will be her final day at UF.
During her 19-year tenure at UF, Gaylord raised $40 million in major gifts while working in advancement positions in the College of Education, the College of Medicine Pediatrics Department, and the Warrington College of Business. She joined UFCJC in 2013.
Her accomplishments include leading a team that raised $67 million for UF’s Go Greater campaign, more than doubling the original goal of $32 million set by the UF Foundation. She formed the College’s Dean’s Leadership Council, coordinated its 50th Anniversary Gala, and has convened a UFCJC team of faculty, staff and students for the annual Gator Nation Giving Day that has raised the greatest amount of gifts of any UF College in four of the last five years.
Under her watch, she secured endowments from Michael and Linda Connelly for the Lecturer in Narrative Nonfiction position, from Mitchell and Ellisa Habib, Linda and Ken McGurn and Dianne Snedaker to support the Consortium on Trust in Media and Technology. She also has laid the groundwork for the new “Reimagining Weimer” campaign.
Gaylord is a double UFCJC Gator with a 1984 B.S. in Advertising and a Master of Arts in Mass Communication degree in 2017.
Posted: May 11, 2023
Category: Alumni News, College News
Tagged as: Margaret Gaylord