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PICSA GBM with a Communications Officer for Climate and Energy

PICSA will be having its next GBM March 7th at 6:30 p.m in Weimer 1078 and are so excited to announce their guest speaker will be Patrick Davis, Public Citizen’s Communications Officer for Climate and Energy.

Prior to joining Public Citizen, Patrick served as a Press Secretary on Capitol Hill and worked for a variety of environmental organizations and political campaigns. Patrick holds a Master’s Degree in Public Policy from the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin and a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry and Music Performance from Lawrence University. If you are interested in environmental work, climate-related financial regulation and political campaigns, this is the meeting to attend! Food will also be provided. Please email if you would like to be sent the Zoom link to join the meeting remotely.

Also, please mark your calendars for the next GBMs:
April 4th
April 11th – social!

Posted: February 28, 2023
Category: Student News