Julie Silver Talenfeld
B.S. Telecommunication, 1984
Founder and president, Boardroom Communications.
Hall of Fame 2011
Julie Silver Talenfeld is the founder and president of Boardroom Communications, providing media relations services to a wide scope of clients in the legal, real estate, banking, corporate, retail, education and non-profit sectors. Her firm was a finalist for Business of the Year in 2007, has been listed as a Top-25 woman-owned business by the Women’s Business Journal, and ranked No. 2 by South Florida Business Leader among South Florida’s top 200 small companies. Julie began her career as an intern on CNN’s national assignment desk in Washington, D.C., as a writer and associate producer for its award-winning show, Crossfire. As a 22-year-old business reporter, she founded and produced the Florida Business Report, the first statewide business radio show, eventually syndicated on 30 stations. She left to direct public relations for J.T. Moran Financial, a 20-office, $100 million New York investment banking firm. By 25, Julie had launched Boardroom Communications. The South Florida Business Journal has awarded her both its “Up and Comer” and “Forty Under Forty” honors. She serves on the boards of Florida’s Children First, the Worklife Balance Institute of Balance magazine and Margaux’s Miracle Foundation, as well as on the Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Gala Committee, its largest annual fundraising event.