Welcome to CJC

FAQs for New Employees

This FAQ applies to all employees. For FAQs related to faculty-specific questions, click here. For IT FAQs, click here.

How will I get my UF Gator 1 identification card and parking decal?

Gator 1 Card: If you provided a headshot in advance, your supervisor should have your Gator 1 Card when you arrive on your first day. However, if you need to take a headshot, you will need to go to the Gator 1 Card office in the Reitz Union to get a picture and collect your card. Your supervisor will assist you with this process.

Parking Decal: You should receive a temporary parking permit via email prior to your first day with instructions. To order your permanent decal, visit the Transportation and Parking Services Website: https://parking.ufl.edu/decals/faculty-and-staff/

What do I do about parking? (What lot/color makes the most sense? Can I park near the building when moving in?)

You can view parking options here: https://parking.ufl.edu/decals/faculty-and-staff/

To view the parking map and see where you can park with each decal, go here: https://parking.ufl.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/UpdatedParking.pdf

Is mass transit available?

Gainesville does have a bus system and commuting resources. You can find more resources here: https://parking.ufl.edu/transit-commuting/

How can I find out more about parking, bus routes and the SNAP nighttime ride services?

The UF Transportation and Parking website (https://parking.ufl.edu/transit-commuting/snap/) has information regarding all forms of transportation on campus from the SNAP nighttime safety ride to the RTS bus system or Zipcar. You can also sign up for the parking listserv to be notified of lot closures, etc.

When will I know my phone number and e-mail address?

You will be provided your email address and phone number on or before your first day.

What is a CJC Buddy? 

CJC has Implemented a buddy system to help new hires connect to their work, their new team and to create a sense of inclusion while providing them with support as they learn their new job. Your buddy will be someone in your department or unit who will partner with you for the first 90 days of employment (for faculty, a buddy can be assigned for an entire semester). The buddy is responsible for offering advice and guidance regarding the day-to-day aspects of working in the department.

For more about CJC buddies, click here.

How do I use my Gator 1 card to get into locked doors?

UF uses a system called Lenel which provides security to many of the doors in our building. Your Gator1 card will give you “swipe access,” if authorized. You will need authorization from your supervisor to get access to various areas of the building, depending on your job responsibilities. Speak with your supervisor about making sure your Lenel access has been requested. If you have difficulty accessing areas you believe are necessary for your job, contact your supervisor.

What is the difference between my GatorLink e-mail and my college e-mail?

Each UF employee has one e-mail account assigned to them, which is your GatorLink e-mail. The CJC TAG team will create this for you. It typically is some version of your name followed by ufl.edu.

Optionally, you can assign “alias” e-mails to that account. For example, if your GatorLink e-mail is JohnSmith@ufl.edu, you can also have johnsmith@jou.ufl.edu (or some variation, e.g. jsmith@jou.ufl.edu) or johnsmith@wuft.org assigned, if you would prefer to have an additional address that identifies the college or unit.

If you log into a UF or CJC page that requires credentials, always use your original GatorLink e-mail. Your password will be the same for all accounts.

How do I sign up for benefits?

Here is where you can find out more information and sign up for benefits:

And feel free to contact the CJC HR Office for more information.

When do I get paid?

UF employees are paid every two weeks on a Friday. The complete list of pay dates is here: https://www.fa.ufl.edu/directives/payroll-schedules/.

You can also find helpful information about your paycheck here: https://hr.ufl.edu/working-at-uf/current-employees/your-paycheck/

What personal holidays will I receive?

Here is a list of official UF Holidays: https://benefits.hr.ufl.edu/time-away/holidays/. UF also offers a variety of leave options here: https://benefits.hr.ufl.edu/time-away/,

How do I enter my time if I need to take vacation or sick leave?

Information on how to enter vacation and sick time can be found here: https://learn-and-grow.hr.ufl.edu/toolkits-resource-center/human-resources-toolkits/time-and-labor/

Is there a handbook of UF and CJC policies and procedures?

Yes. UF Policies can be found here: https://hr.ufl.edu/forms-policies/policies-managers/. CJC Governance policies can be found here: https://wwwtest.jou.ufl.edu/home/about/faculty-staff-resources/.

How will I be evaluated by my supervisor?

TEAMS employees will be evaluated through quarterly check-ins, referred to as “UF Engaged.” For information on UF Engaged, go here: https://hr.ufl.edu/manager-resources/employee-relations/uf-engaged/about/

For information on faculty evaluations, go here: https://wwwtest.jou.ufl.edu/home/about/cjc-faculty-faqs/.

Who do I call if I have an employment matter?

You can talk to your immediate supervisor or contact Human Resources Director Keisha Reynolds at 352-273-1093, cjc-hr@jou.ufl.edu.

Do I have to report my outside job to UF?

Yes, all employees must sign a conflict of interest form and report any outside jobs. More information is available here: https://coi.ufl.edu/

How does employment verification work?

The University of Florida requires that employment verifications go through The Work Number. UF’s employer code is: 13570.

For more information on this UF procedure, visit: https://hr.ufl.edu/manager-resources/employment-operations-and-records/employment-verification/.

What food services are available on campus?

Is there an infirmary available for faculty and staff?

The infirmary on campus is primarily for students.

What is the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and how does it work?

The UF Employee Assistance Program is free and offers someone to talk to and resources to consult whenever and wherever you need them. All UF faculty, staff, graduate assistants, non-student OPS employees, house staff/residents, and postdoc associates as well as their household members are eligible to receive services.

You can find more information here: https://eap.ufl.edu/

How do I call the police in an emergency?

911 is the U.S. emergency number that will connect you with police, fire and ambulance. UF does have its own police department available at 392-1111 or https://police.ufl.edu/. There is also an emergency alert system in place https://ufalert.ufl.edu/about/ and the GatorSafe app (https://police.ufl.edu/services/community-services/gatorsafe-app/) to keep you informed.

Do I get any discounts as a UF employee?

Yes. UF’s GatorPerks program provides exclusive discounts to UF Employees, include arts and leisure, food and restaurants, transportation, shopping and travel. You can find all of the deals here: https://benefits.hr.ufl.edu/gatorperks/discount-program/.

Where do I get office supplies?

Your manager/supervisor will tell you how to obtain your office supplies.  Procedures are different depending on your department.

How do I make copies?

Copies can be made in the mailroom on the second floor next to the Dean’s Office, room 2104. There are two large Xerox machines. Your Department Chair or Natalia Mojica in the Dean’s Office can provide you with the code to print on the Xerox Machines.

Where do I get printer paper?

Paper can be found in the mailroom next to the Dean’s Office, room 2104. There are two large closets next to the Xerox machines that are filled with printing paper. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please let someone in the Dean’s Office know what size and/or color paper you need.

Abbreviations for Faculty and Staff

What are the most common abbreviations?

ACEJMC: Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications:  http://www.acejmc.org/

AEJMC: Association for Educators in Journalism and Mass Communications: https://www.aejmc.org/

AHA or AHA! CoLab: located on the third  floor, it is an open and collaborative space for students and faculty. You can hold classes or meetings here. There are also four break-out rooms circling the open space.

CBA: Collective bargaining agreement.

CJC: College of Journalism and Communications

CJC Online: College’s online master’s degrees, https://onlinemasters.jou.ufl.edu/

DRC: Disability Resource Center, https://disability.ufl.edu/. DRC collaborates with campus partners to facilitate access and accommodations for UF students with disabilities.

FAR: Faculty Assignment Report; https://www.fa.ufl.edu/directives/faculty-assignment-reports/

GIMS: the Graduate Information Management System. You can look up the graduate committees you’ve been on here.

IA: Innovation Academy students take classes on campus only in the Spring and Summer.

INC: Innovation News Center on the second floor in the College

METL: Media Effects and Technology Lab in the College

OCCP: Office of Careers and Corporate Partnerships

PaCE: a PaCE student must take all their courses online for the first two years, for more information; https://wwwtest.jou.ufl.edu/current-students/current-undergraduate/academic-advising/information-for-pace-students/

PATH: Professional Advising and Teaching Hub, https://wwwtest.jou.ufl.edu/current-students/current-undergraduate/academic-advising/contact-path/

PIC: Public Interest Communication program and Center in the College

Pro Master’s: The College’s professionally-oriented master’s program as opposed to our discipline-specific, PhD-oriented master’s programs, https://wwwtest.jou.ufl.edu/graduate/graduate-professional-masters/

SACS: UF’s accrediting body, http://sacs.aa.ufl.edu/

SLO: Student Learning Outcome is used for academic assessment.

STEM: STEM Translational Communication program and center in the College, https://wwwtest.jou.ufl.edu/stem/

T&P: tenure and promotion, https://wwwtest.jou.ufl.edu/home/about/governance/faculty-committees/tenure-and-promotion-committee/

TA: can mean teaching assistant or travel authorization depending on context

TAG: Technology Advancement Group. College’s IT and Engineering team, https://wwwtest.jou.ufl.edu/home/about/faculty-staff-directory/tag-directory/

UFO: UF Online. UF is a national and world leader in online education, https://www.ufl.edu/academics/online-learning.


Is there any training that I will need once I arrive?

You can find information about new employee orientation here: https://welcome.hr.ufl.edu/getting-started/orientation/new-staff-enrollment/

Each position will have more specific training that is required for your particular job. Please consult your supervisor.

Will I get trained on Canvas, UF’s learning management system?

UF does have training on Canvas available here: https://learn-and-grow.hr.ufl.edu/toolkits-resource-center/student-information-systems/one-uf/. CJC is also exploring Canvas training for its faculty.

What training is offered and when?