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Undergraduate Research Opportunities for Spring 2024!

There are two topics for undergrad research for Spring 2024:


The Stories Brands Tell: Superstars and Sleepers

Our team is preparing a new research project that looks at how brands depict themselves with stories, and how those stories relate to consumer personality and self-perception. This journey into the world of consumer psychology will focus on brand narratives about “top dogs” and “underdogs,” and how those stories resonate with consumers. You will be supervised by Dr. Benjamin Johnson and earn credit for ADV4910 (Advertising Undergraduate Research). You’ll have the opportunity to work alongside a PhD student, and will have contact with each stage of the research process. You will learn about theory and hypothesizing, experimental methods, statistical analysis, and academic writing. The time commitment is 5 hours per credit hour (maximum 3 credit hours), and the project will be completed by April 2024. Please email your resume, schedule, and any questions to



Turning to Influencers for Health and Science Information

Where do people go when they want credible news about health and science topics? Trends suggest that influencers are increasingly source of information about many topics, including STEM and medicine. This project will examine how people balance different sources of information, and how confident they feel about the information they receive on complicated topics that affect their lives. You will be supervised by Dr. Benjamin Johnson, earn credit for ADV4910 (Advertising Undergraduate Research), and have contact with each stage of the research process. You will learn about theory and hypothesizing, survey methods, statistical analysis, and academic writing. The time commitment is 5 hours per credit hour (maximum 3 credit hours), and the project will be completed by April 2024. Please email your resume, schedule, and any questions to

Posted: December 8, 2023
Category: Student News