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Extended Deadlines: 2022 Uprising Fellowship and 2022 Philly Movement Media Fellowship

Just Media has extended the application submission deadline for our 2022 Uprising Fellowship and 2022 Philly Movement Media Fellowship until next week, October 7th 11:59 pm EST! 

Through our paid, 6-month cohort programming, young writers (ages 18-25) will receive comprehensive editorial training, mentorship, community-building opportunities, and support publishing local and national pieces on policing, prisons, and justice issues with partner outlets.

2022 Uprising Fellowship 
This year’s cohort will focus on three spokes of criminal justice reform.

  • Intersection of housing and incarceration. How does being incarcerated affect where you live? How does where you live affect what jobs you can get? What public benefits can you access? What are the living conditions within prisons, juvenile systems, and detention centers – incarcerated folks’ temporary living quarters?
  • Hot district attorney, sheriff, and other interesting criminal justice-related races across the country. What coalitions are building momentum in a particular race? Is there a candidate with a new, innovative criminal justice reform approach?
  • Intersection of criminal justice and education. Dive deeper into the school-to-prison pipeline to shed light on stories we haven’t heard before. How has COVID-19 changed the way kids are being criminalized in schools? What grassroots efforts have been successful in making moves to decriminalize schools?

2022 Philly Movement Media Fellowship
This year’s cohort will focus on basic needs and insecurity faced by individuals who are either currently in contact with the carceral system or have been so in the past. Having a criminal record has several implications for an individual – it impacts one’s ability to secure a job, find housing, access loans, and much more. We want our fellows to think critically about both conditions within and outside the criminal legal system that are unsafe and uninhabitable, and the institutional problems that cause them. We also encourage our fellows to explore other media and art forms beyond writing to tell these stories and justice issues in the city.

Are you a young writer, age 18-24, or know young writers? 
Apply for our national Uprising fellowship HERE!
Apply for our Philadelphia Movement Media fellowship HERE!

For writers that may fall outside our age ranges of 18-25, but have an interest in policing, prisons, and justice, we also are open to partnering with you for individual pitches. Learn more about how we partner with individuals and organizations here. 

Questions? Contact Tatyana at for the Uprising Fellowship or Rjaa at for the Philly Movement Media Fellowship. We encourage folks to get in touch even if you’re not sure you meet the guidelines above; we may still be able to connect you with relevant resources or opportunities. 

Posted: October 3, 2022
Category: Careers, Student News